Service provider capacity crisis! What can we do?

June 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter

Hi Reader! If your loved one is on a Medicaid waiver, you may know that there's a serious service provider capacity crisis. It's really hard to find and hire providers, and your case management agency can't help with this! Read our article below for three badass suggestions for fixing the system. And check out our latest vodcast with Abby Care so you can learn how you may be able to get paid for the care you are already providing

Cheers to your empowerment!

Maureen Welch,
NDC's Founder and Badass

How to Handle the Service Provider Capacity Crisis

Great! You are thrilled to have gotten onto a Colorado Medicaid and/or a Medicaid HCBS waiver. You see the list of possible services and therapies. Then, you actually try to find providers and realize that the real work now begins. Program-approved service agencies (PASA) don’t have the bandwidth to find direct service providers for you. They are saying that YOU can do the hard work of finding the staff for them to hire. Great, just what you need, more work, right? How did we get here?

Medicaid Case Management Agency and Direct Service Provider structure

In Colorado, we have a privatized system. The state Medicaid agency, Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) contracts out both waiver case management (CMA) and direct services program approved service agencies (PASA) or consumer-directed attendant services and supports (CDASS) to private companies. It used to be that one organization was allowed to manage both these services, but in 2014, a Federal Final Rule determined this to be a conflict of interest, meaning they could no longer do both, hence we have the current changes known as Colorado case management redesign. However, there is a rural exception allowing many CMAs to still do both in non-urban areas of Colorado.

I agreed that there was a conflict of interest allowing both in one agency. I personally experienced ‘steering’ of case managers to use their in-house services for my son. But, I strongly believe that the ‘Walmart’ approach of only one size and style of case management is not friendly to consumers and never should have been adopted.

The direct service companies, Program Approved Service Agencies (PASAs) are at the mercy of the rate schedule that the state Medicaid agency HCPF controls, unless the Joint Budget committee overrules them. So, the Colorado HCBS structure currently is oriented to support the bigger contractors and in general, disabled people, their families and caregivers lose out.

The HCBS Waiver Workforce is Majority Women, Non-union and Grossly Undervalued

Society continues to undervalue home and community based care workers and turnover is high. Families are forced to source their own staff, which is a huge undertaking when already exhausted and overwhelmed with their own caregiving. Unionization may be the path, if leaders fail to listen.

State Cost of Living Exceeds Raises

Medicaid has always paid lower rates than commercial insurance. Then add decades of small 2% raises to Medicaid providers when inflation is much higher and soon there is a huge 30%+ difference in Medicaid rates versus the marketplace. Medicaid continues to fall further behind market rate and they lose medical providers such as doctors as well as medical billed therapists (speech, occupational, physical therapists and applied behavior analysis providers). The providers for home and community based waiver services are struggling to meet the high demand for staff in a field that is not seen as a lucrative or fulfilling career pathway.

Residential Care and Future Needs

There is a growing demand for home and community based services, as our population ages and disabled people want to live independently in their own place. The host home model is more challenging with Colorado’s high cost of living. There will be an increasing need for more ‘push in’ and remote support into clients’ homes.

3 Badass Suggestions for Fixing the System

  1. Create Access to Providers: To simplify the connection between providers and clients, NDC is developing an online membership platform to connect caregivers with Colorado service providers, each indicating which skills are needed and which PASAs they use for billing HCBS services. This will simplify the process of finding experienced providers, since agencies expect caregivers to source their own staff. Stay tuned for the launch of our new site!
  2. Medicaid Rate Increase Advocacy: Organize families and workers to demand our leaders address the broken Medicaid Rate Review process in Colorado. Raise all the HCBS waiver services rates 40-100%. Review and raise medical reimbursements, with special attention and incentives for adult specialty care and mental health services.
  3. Widen the Employment Pool: Lower the minimum age of HCBS waiver providers from 18 to 16 for HCBS waiver services (this was recently approved in another waiver). A 16-year-old can currently get a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA) license in Colorado, but not work as a waiver provider, which doesn’t make sense.

4 Tips to Help You Find Providers NOW

  1. Sign up with NDC to get upcoming announcements about the launch of so you can find providers more easily.
  2. Review your PASA options and choose a PASA that makes onboarding new providers as easy as possible.
  3. Skill up: Watch the NDC Building your Respite Bench free video workshop to learn how to find direct service providers!
  4. Find Medical Providers: Seeking Medical specialties which take Medicaid insurance:

And remember, our courses will also help you successfully navigate the system so you're taking charge instead of being at the mercy of your case management agency!

Will you benefit from a waiver? Take our FREE assessment!

Answer 11 questions and get an immediate recommendation about how a waiver may benefit your family. Even though we have your email, you'll be asked to submit it again in order to access this - it's well worth it!

video preview


Maureen interviews Abby who works at Abby Care (no she's not the company's namesake). Abby explains why it's so valuable for parents of a disabled child to get on a Medicaid waiver, then look into getting paid to be a caregiver. Yes, parents can get paid for the care they are already providing!

Get involved in public meetings!

The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) oversees Colorado's Medicaid program. They host many public meetings that empower you to get involved, give input and become a stronger advocate for your disabled loved one! Consider joining these June meetings; click the button for meeting link and info!

Children's Disability Advisory Committee June 12th at 10am MST
The Children's Disability Advisory Committee makes recommendations regarding issues related to benefits for children and youth with disabilities age 20 and younger, provider education interventions, and application of standards. The Committee consists of parents of children with disabilities, representatives from other state agencies, children's advocate and policy organizations, and EPSDT staff.

Host Home Oversight Stakeholder Workgroup June 12th at 2pm MST
This series of stakeholder meetings is related to House Bill 23-1197 Host Home

Oversight. Interested stakeholders include waiver recipients and their families, members, advocates, caregivers, case management agencies and services providers. These meetings focus on current and proposed recommendations for Host Home Providers. Families of disabled loved ones are welcome!

Medical Services Board June 14th and July 12th at 9am MST
The Medical Services Board's responsibility is to adopt the rules that govern the Department's programs. The Board's eleven members include at least one member from each congressional district and no more than six members from the same political party. Members are appointed by the Governor. Meetings are open to the public. The Board allows time for the public to participate.

Our Course Helps You Apply for a Medicaid Waiver

Our course, Apply for a Medicaid Waiver, is a self-paced series of online video lessons that guides you through the process. For those with an IDD in some Metro Denver and Boulder areas, you may eligible for funding! Complete this form to find out!

Webinars on Federal Disability Benefits and Application

While Colorado Medicaid waivers offer state benefits for the disabled, you can also apply for federal Social Security disability benefits. We only work at the state level, but Easterseals Colorado offers a six-webinar series on federal benefits at $200 for the series, or $40 per webinar - check out their July and October series!

Meet the Badass

Welcome to NDC! Get to know me and learn about NDC's mission to empower the disability community.

Join us June 29th at the Supported Decision-Making Summit

Want to learn about LESS RESTRICTIVE alternatives to Colorado guardianship laws? Hosted by The Arc of Colorado, this FREE event explores Supported Decision-Making (SDM) that allows people with disabilities to retain their decision-making capacity by choosing trusted advisors to support them in maintaining their dignity of choice. It's for all Coloradans with disabilities, family members, advocates, and policy experts! June 29th from 9am to 5pm at the Denver Marriott Westminster.

Join the NDC Community

You are not alone! Our free online community is a hub for information, free resources and conversations that empower the disability community.

About Navigating Disability Colorado
NDC is an independent advocacy company that empowers the disability community to successfully advocate for their rights within Colorado’s complex system of disability services. We offer Colorado’s only step-by-step online courses in how to apply for a Colorado Medicaid waiver and maximize its benefits so that disabled people and their families can live their best lives. NDC’s services provide information and education and do not constitute legal advice.

Navigating Disability Colorado

If you live in Colorado and have a disabled loved one in your family, it's critical to know that a Colorado Medicaid waiver offers your loved one the best opportunities to live a full life. Waivers can also help eligible caregivers earn annual income around $50k or more. The waiver application and usage process is tough, so our training courses and services help people successfully apply for, and maximize, their waivers.

Read more from Navigating Disability Colorado
Mom who is exhausted from taking care of her disabled child.

August 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! Boy, I'm fighting some serious EXHAUSTION because my disabled son James woke me up multiple times at night during the past week. Can you RELATE? Join our NDC Community for support! Many caregivers suffer from sleep issues due to taking care of disabled loved ones. Read more about how the CES waiver may be the right one if you're sleep deprived! Also, check out our vodcast with Brewability, a brewery and pizzeria in Englewood, CO that hires - and...

July 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! Did you know that Colorado offers ten different Medicaid waivers? If you have a disabled loved one who isn't yet on a waiver, read on! I explain them all to help you determine which may be the best fit. And if your child is neurodivergent, check out our latest vodcast with Wild Child Parenting. They offer excellent coaching and support services to help families with LGBTQ and neurodiverse children. Cheers to a fun and empowering summer!Maureen...

May 2024 Newsletter Hi Reader! The 'experts' call me a troublemaker when I say that Colorado's disability benefits system is broken. But it is! This issue explains what's wrong with our system and suggests solutions to make it work better. We also have lots of content for disabled people who are already on waiver; learn how to upgrade your service plan in order to maximize your services and get all the life-transforming benefits you're eligible for! Cheers to your empowerment!Maureen...