What's wrong with Colorado's disability system?

May 2024 Newsletter

Hi Reader! The 'experts' call me a troublemaker when I say that Colorado's disability benefits system is broken. But it is! This issue explains what's wrong with our system and suggests solutions to make it work better. We also have lots of content for disabled people who are already on waiver; learn how to upgrade your service plan in order to maximize your services and get all the life-transforming benefits you're eligible for!

Cheers to your empowerment!

Maureen Welch,
NDC's Founder and Badass

What's Wrong with Colorado's Disability Benefits System? Maureen Speaks Out!

This is the worst I have ever seen Medicaid in Colorado. I’ve been the badass of Colorado’s disability benefits system for over 15 years, so I speak from experience when I say that our state Medicaid system is in worse shape today than I’ve ever seen it before.

Colorado is a hot mess of issues, including chaotic case management redesign and the fact that thousands lost Medicaid benefits when the COVID federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) was terminated in May 2023. Oh yeah, then there are technology platforms that aren't reliable, shenanigans in rule making, and even legal complaints about our system! What is Colorado doing to remedy these issues? NOT ENOUGH.

Explore the issues, and find out my five badass fixes for our current situation:

Will you benefit from getting more out your existing waiver? Take our FREE assessment!

You'll get an immediate recommendation about how optimizing your waiver may bring additional benefits to your family. Even though we have your email, you'll be asked to submit it again in order to access this - it's well worth it!

video preview

Our Course Helps You Maximize Your Existing Medicaid Waiver!

Our course, Maximize Your Existing Medicaid Waiver, contains self-paced online videos that teach you how to get the most out of your waiver. For those with an IDD in some Metro Denver and Boulder areas, you may eligible for funding! Complete this form to find out! If you choose to self-pay, use promo code MYEW149 for $149 off the regular price! Watch my video for details about this course!

Badass Persistence Pays Off: Cherry Creek Schools Now Streaming Monthly Board Meetings.

Maureen's disabled son James is in the Cherry Creek School district. Maureen consistently attended school board meetings, but it was inconvenient to spend time away from her family; she had to drive (often in bad winter weather) and then wait two hours to speak for three minutes. And sometimes, she couldn't find a sitter for her disabled son. So she decided to participate in the board meetings remotely.

She discovered that they didn't host online board meetings, and thought, “This is crazy!”

Through research, Maureen discovered that Cherry Creek is the only major school district in Colorado that didn't live stream its school board meetings. She immediately decided to change that! Read the Colorado Public Radio Article about Maureen's initial lobbying efforts that kicked off big changes!

As a related part of Maureen's advocacy, HB24-1168 Equal Access to Public Meetings, was the bill concept that Maureen brought to its sponsor. Although the bill didn’t make it over the finish line due to budget constraints, it raised attention and encouraged the Cherry Creek School board to voluntarily begin streaming their board meetings.

Badass persistence pays off! Since Maureen stirred the pot and began advocating for livestreamed board meetings, Cherry Creek School District has finally agreed to stream all board meetings online. Read the Sentinel's article on the change spurred by Maureen!

Interested in upgrading your existing waiver services? Sign up for our Service Plan Audit for $349.00!

Don't have time for our full course? If your disabled loved one has been on a Colorado Medicaid waiver for at least one full year and you want expert advice to improve your plan, sign up for our Service Plan Audit. The cost is $349 and you receive a one-hour zoom call that reviews your plan's audit along with modification recommendations. Spots are limited, and you'll be asked to submit your plan and an intake form at least one week before your consultation.

Disabled People Under 18 with IDD: Check out the Family Support Service Program for Summer Support!

Do you have a disabled loved one under 18 with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD)? And do you have costs for disability-related out-of-school summertime care that aren't covered by Medicaid, a waiver or private health insurance?

If your loved one is under 18 with an IDD and isn't on a waiver, Family Support Service program (FSSP) might help. FSSP is entirely state money and the budget resets annually on July 1st, so you may need to do two requests, breaking summer costs in two parts. Since it renews on 7/1, you have two chances to request funding, one for June expenses and then after 7/1, you can request for July and August expenses. This state FSSP funding comes from local property tax funding, or 'mill levy funding.' approved and voted in by voters in 2002.

Better Together Resource Fair
May 11th in Denver

This is a fun way to find resources for your disabled loved on and meet others in the disability community! Stop by and say hi at our NDC booth! Time: Saturday, May 11th from 10am - 1pm. Location: Unity Spiritual Center, 3021 S. University Blvd, Denver, CO.

HOT TIP! Mileage Reimbursement!

You could get the cost of gas between your home and doctor or facility’s office covered. Vehicle mileage is reimbursed at the State rate of 46¢ per mile. Click the button and then click Mileage Reimbursement Program; download their flyer for more details!

Autism Resource Fair
May 19th in Colorado Springs

Close to the Springs? Here's another fun event that helps you find resources for your disabled loved. It's a great place to meet others in the disability community. Stop by the NDC booth! Time: Saturday, May 19th from 1 - 4pm. Location: America the Beautiful Park, 126 Cimino Dr., Colorado Springs, CO.

Meet the Badass

Yeah, that's me! Learn more about how I got my nickname and why I'm passionate about NDC's mission to empower the disability community.

Join the NDC Community

You are not alone! Our free online community is a hub for information, free resources and conversations that empower the disability community.

About Navigating Disability Colorado
NDC is an independent advocacy company that empowers the disability community to successfully advocate for their rights within Colorado’s complex system of disability services. We offer Colorado’s only step-by-step online courses in how to apply for a Colorado Medicaid waiver and maximize its benefits so that disabled people and their families can live their best lives. NDC’s services provide information and education and do not constitute legal advice.

Navigating Disability Colorado

If you live in Colorado and have a disabled loved one in your family, it's critical to know that a Colorado Medicaid waiver offers your loved one the best opportunities to live a full life. Waivers can also help eligible caregivers earn annual income around $50k or more. The waiver application and usage process is tough, so our training courses and services help people successfully apply for, and maximize, their waivers.

Read more from Navigating Disability Colorado
Mom who is exhausted from taking care of her disabled child.

August 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! Boy, I'm fighting some serious EXHAUSTION because my disabled son James woke me up multiple times at night during the past week. Can you RELATE? Join our NDC Community for support! Many caregivers suffer from sleep issues due to taking care of disabled loved ones. Read more about how the CES waiver may be the right one if you're sleep deprived! Also, check out our vodcast with Brewability, a brewery and pizzeria in Englewood, CO that hires - and...

July 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! Did you know that Colorado offers ten different Medicaid waivers? If you have a disabled loved one who isn't yet on a waiver, read on! I explain them all to help you determine which may be the best fit. And if your child is neurodivergent, check out our latest vodcast with Wild Child Parenting. They offer excellent coaching and support services to help families with LGBTQ and neurodiverse children. Cheers to a fun and empowering summer!Maureen...

June 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! If your loved one is on a Medicaid waiver, you may know that there's a serious service provider capacity crisis. It's really hard to find and hire providers, and your case management agency can't help with this! Read our article below for three badass suggestions for fixing the system. And check out our latest vodcast with Abby Care so you can learn how you may be able to get paid for the care you are already providing Cheers to your...