EXHAUSTED by caregiving? Discover a waiver that can help!

August 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter

Hi Reader! Boy, I'm fighting some serious EXHAUSTION because my disabled son James woke me up multiple times at night during the past week. Can you RELATE? Join our NDC Community for support! Many caregivers suffer from sleep issues due to taking care of disabled loved ones. Read more about how the CES waiver may be the right one if you're sleep deprived! Also, check out our vodcast with Brewability, a brewery and pizzeria in Englewood, CO that hires - and caters to - the needs of the disabled. Your kids will LOVE it, so plan a visit!

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Cheers. and here's to getting good sleep!

Maureen Welch,
NDC's Founder and Badass

EXHAUSTED from sleepless nights spent taking care of your disabled child? The CES Waiver may be for you.

If you ever want to spark lively conversation with the parents of disabled kids, just ask if they struggle with sleep challenges, and see what happens. I can relate. When people ask me how I identify, I say I have identified as ‘tired’ for the last 17 years!

I was with a group of moms recently and nearly all shared stories about the pursuit of better sleep. I realized how widespread this issue is, and how it impacts the entire family. The primary caregiver (usually the mom) often suffers from years, and eventually decades, of poor sleep. This has negative impacts on intimate partnerships, health, weight, memory/cognitive health and the ability to maintain employment. It was very reassuring to hear that all of us share the same status of ‘sleep deprived’ and are still seeking solutions, even after many years.

There is one waiver whose eligibility criteria requires nighttime intervention by caregivers: the CES Waiver, or Children's Extensive Support Waiver, which we’ll detail here. While this makes the CES waiver harder to apply for, the waiver also offers additional benefits over other waivers, making it worth the effort.

Many parents explore pharmaceutical interventions to improve their sleep, which can be a long experimental process often involving expensive sleep studies overnight in hospitals, or trying sleep-inducing drugs.

Some use specialty medical beds to prevent injury and eloping of their disabled child. Many families use video monitors and alarms for doors and windows. And more common than most realize, a parent ends up sleeping in the same room with their child to prevent harm.

All of these are interventions done in response to sleep issues and can be used when applying for a Colorado Medicaid CES waiver.

If one is fortunate enough to find interventions that improve sleep, that will not mean you will lose the CES waiver. If the interventions were implemented over earlier documented sleep issues, that should be shared in the intake. There are sleep issues, but medication or other interventions have reduced the interventions. The state and federal government want better lives for CES families, so don't be concerned that an improvement of sleep or behavior automatically means a loss of the CES waiver.

The journey to find effective sleep interventions usually takes many years and includes professionals, tests, and several trials of therapies and drugs. Medicaid does not seek to punish those who have improved their sleep situation, but clear documentation is critical. And remember, you always have the right to appeal any waiver termination under the Administrative Law Judge process. Always appeal a termination! You can represent yourself in the appeal process or get a free advocate from Family Voices Colorado.

The waiver process allows the state to offer Medicaid medical benefits, as well as additional benefits including the HCBS services, to help disabled people live and thrive in their homes and communities. Waivers can also offer payment for the services that live-in caregivers provide (as a bonus, this income is free from federal income tax!). Medicaid members can qualify for paid nursing-level of care services (CNA or PDN) depending on how much help they need with the activities of daily living. In addition, on the CES waiver, families can provide up to 10 hours a week of paid care for community connector and homemaker (enhanced or basic). Waivers also provide the funding to pay outside hired caregivers, as well as service providers for a variety of support services that can easily provide a total value of $100k a year or more between HCBS and Medicaid medical services.

As you can see, the CES waiver offers life-transforming benefits and services that empower and support disabled family members and their caregivers to live full and independent lives! Plus, the potential for earning caregiver income and the value of funding HBCS services at up to $100K per year or more can boost your family’s financial security and help you save more for retirement. To find out if you’d benefit from getting on a Colorado Medicaid waiver, take our free assessment HERE. If you’re already on a waiver, find out if you’re leaving funding on the table and if you could be getting more out of it by taking our free assessment HERE.

CES Waiver Eligibility Criteria Details

The CES waiver is for children ages 0-17 with a significant developmental and/or intellectual disability (DD). The criteria includes behavioral issues as well as sleep challenges. There are many services available and parents/family can be paid for some HCBS services as well as home health nursing or CNA support. The CES waiver service plan annual limit, or ‘SPAL,’ for non-Denver residents is $61,176. Denver City and County residents have a higher SPAL due to a higher minimum wage, so the SPAL is $63,807.

Level of Care

  • Children must meet Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care which is determined by the Functional Needs Assessment (ICF/IID services are defined in the Code of Federal Regulations: 42 CFR § 440.150)

Eligibility Group — Children in this program:

  • Are less than eighteen years of age
  • Have been determined to have a developmental disability which includes developmental delay if under five (5) years of age
  • Live in the family home
  • Demonstrate a behavior or have a medical condition that requires direct human intervention, more intense than a verbal reminder, redirection or brief observation of status, at least once every two hours during the day and on a weekly average of once every three hours during the night. The behavior or medical condition must be considered beyond what is typically age appropriate.
  • Are determined to meet the Federal Social Security Administration's definition of disability

Financial Criteria

  • Children must meet the Health First Colorado financial determination for Long-Term Services and Supports eligibility. Financial determination requirements are outlined in the Colorado Code of Regulations 10 CCR 2505-10, Section 8.100.

CES Waiver Benefits and Services

Learn more about the CES waiver:

NDC's courses can help you apply for, or maximize, a CES waiver. Have questions? Contact Maureen, or click below to learn about our courses!

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"...this is the only place their kids will eat..."

Maureen interviews Tiffany Fixter, the founder of Brewability and Pizzability, a brewery and pizza restaurant in Englewood, CO that is a leading role model for businesses focused on hiring and mentoring employees with disabilities. Brewability has created an all-inclusive space designed to support and delight those with special needs. Most of their staff is on a Medicaid waiver! Their space includes many fun and helpful features for the disabled, and they host several different weekly events. For many parents of disabled children, it's the only place they will eat, so plan a visit!

How Can a Waiver Benefit You? Take this Fast Assessment!

Answer quick questions and get our expert recommendation about how a waiver may benefit your family. Even though we have your email, you'll be asked to submit it again in order to access this - it's well worth it your time!

Already on a Waiver? Our Service Plan Audit Will Get You MORE!

DON'T LEAVE FUNDING ON THE TABLE! You could be leaving tens of thousands of dollars in services or extra income behind EACH YEAR if you haven't figured out the best ways to use your waiver. This 1-hour video audit upgrades your waiver. You'll send us your current Service Plan and other info before the call. Spots limited, cost is $349!

Our Course Helps You Get Your Waiver Application DONE!

Never applied? Or you've tried, but it's SO frustrating to work with your Case Management Agency? Our course puts you in the driver's seat and gets you to the finish line! Waivers offer up to $100K EACH YEAR in the potential value of benefits you can receive and income you can earn. Don't miss out any longer!

On a Waiver? Did you Know Rates Went Up July 1st?

There was an increase in rates on July 1, with the new fiscal year for our State. This affects everyone on a waiver! When you register for one of our courses, you automatically get rate updates! We send NDC program members a spreadsheet with rate updates so they can easily update their service plans. Chat with Maureen about all the great benefits you can get through our program!

Become a Badass Advocate: Input at Public Meetings!

The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) oversees Colorado's Medicaid program. They host many public meetings that empower you to get involved, give input and become a stronger advocate for your disabled loved one! Consider joining these June meetings; click the button for meeting link and info!

Medical Services Board September 13th and October 11th at 9am MST
The Medical Services Board's responsibility is to adopt the rules that govern the Department's programs. The Board's eleven members include at least one member from each congressional district and no more than six members from the same political party. Members are appointed by the Governor. Meetings are open to the public. The Board allows time for the public to participate.

People with Disabilities can LOSE Benefits When they get Married!

Many people with disabilities rely on Supplemental Security Income (SSI). But did you know that SSI has outdated 'marriage penalties,' which are unfair rules that that cut off or reduce benefits and limit savings for those who get married? Send an email and tell Congress this needs to change NOW! There is no marriage equality until the disability benefits penalty is removed! https://action.thearc.org/gnmzowK

Meet the Badass

Welcome to NDC! Get to know me and learn about NDC's mission to empower the disability community.

Join the NDC Community

You are not alone! Our free online community is a hub for information, free resources and conversations that empower the disability community.

About Navigating Disability Colorado
NDC is an independent advocacy company that empowers the disability community to successfully advocate for their rights within Colorado’s complex system of disability services. We offer Colorado’s only step-by-step online courses in how to apply for a Colorado Medicaid waiver and maximize its benefits so that disabled people and their families can live their best lives. NDC’s services provide information and education and do not constitute legal advice.

Navigating Disability Colorado

If you live in Colorado and have a disabled loved one in your family, it's critical to know that a Colorado Medicaid waiver offers your loved one the best opportunities to live a full life. Waivers can also help eligible caregivers earn annual income around $50k or more. The waiver application and usage process is tough, so our training courses and services help people successfully apply for, and maximize, their waivers.

Read more from Navigating Disability Colorado

July 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! Did you know that Colorado offers ten different Medicaid waivers? If you have a disabled loved one who isn't yet on a waiver, read on! I explain them all to help you determine which may be the best fit. And if your child is neurodivergent, check out our latest vodcast with Wild Child Parenting. They offer excellent coaching and support services to help families with LGBTQ and neurodiverse children. Cheers to a fun and empowering summer!Maureen...

June 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! If your loved one is on a Medicaid waiver, you may know that there's a serious service provider capacity crisis. It's really hard to find and hire providers, and your case management agency can't help with this! Read our article below for three badass suggestions for fixing the system. And check out our latest vodcast with Abby Care so you can learn how you may be able to get paid for the care you are already providing Cheers to your...

May 2024 Newsletter Hi Reader! The 'experts' call me a troublemaker when I say that Colorado's disability benefits system is broken. But it is! This issue explains what's wrong with our system and suggests solutions to make it work better. We also have lots of content for disabled people who are already on waiver; learn how to upgrade your service plan in order to maximize your services and get all the life-transforming benefits you're eligible for! Cheers to your empowerment!Maureen...