
Navigating Disability Colorado

If you live in Colorado and have a disabled loved one in your family, it's critical to know that a Colorado Medicaid waiver offers your loved one the best opportunities to live a full life. Waivers can also help eligible caregivers earn annual income around $50k or more. The waiver application and usage process is tough, so our training courses and services help people successfully apply for, and maximize, their waivers.

Mom who is exhausted from taking care of her disabled child.
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EXHAUSTED by caregiving? Discover a waiver that can help!

August 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! Boy, I'm fighting some serious EXHAUSTION because my disabled son James woke me up multiple times at night during the past week. Can you RELATE? Join our NDC Community for support! Many caregivers suffer from sleep issues due to taking care of disabled loved ones. Read more about how the CES waiver may be the right one if you're sleep deprived! Also, check out our vodcast with Brewability, a brewery and pizzeria in Englewood, CO that hires - and...

July 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! Did you know that Colorado offers ten different Medicaid waivers? If you have a disabled loved one who isn't yet on a waiver, read on! I explain them all to help you determine which may be the best fit. And if your child is neurodivergent, check out our latest vodcast with Wild Child Parenting. They offer excellent coaching and support services to help families with LGBTQ and neurodiverse children. Cheers to a fun and empowering summer!Maureen...

June 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! If your loved one is on a Medicaid waiver, you may know that there's a serious service provider capacity crisis. It's really hard to find and hire providers, and your case management agency can't help with this! Read our article below for three badass suggestions for fixing the system. And check out our latest vodcast with Abby Care so you can learn how you may be able to get paid for the care you are already providing Cheers to your...

May 2024 Newsletter Hi Reader! The 'experts' call me a troublemaker when I say that Colorado's disability benefits system is broken. But it is! This issue explains what's wrong with our system and suggests solutions to make it work better. We also have lots of content for disabled people who are already on waiver; learn how to upgrade your service plan in order to maximize your services and get all the life-transforming benefits you're eligible for! Cheers to your empowerment!Maureen...

What's a Medicaid waiver?

April 2024 NDC Monthly Newsletter Hi Reader! April is all about educating the disability community about Colorado Medicaid waivers. Be sure to take our online assessment and discover if applying for a Medicaid waiver will be beneficial! And finally, if you want to support your disabled child's educational experience, please watch my vodcast interview with Evan of GPS Education Consulting! Cheers to your empowerment!Maureen Welch,NDC's Founder and Badass What's a Medicaid Waiver? I get this...